Planning and Facilitating Life Skills Classes for Welfare Recipients

A Good Idea

This practice has been Archived and is no longer maintained.


The AmeriCorps Appalachian Self-Sufficiency Program provides (AASSP) classes in life skills to help welfare recipients overcome the barriers that are keeping them from self-sufficiency and independence. AmeriCorps members learn marketable skills while assisting individuals who wish to leave the welfare system.

Goal / Mission

The goal is to provide welfare recipients with life skills courses to aid them in their path towards self-sufficiency. Life skills are topics that are often not covered in academic or technical training courses but can be just as important for ensuring a successful and stable lifestyle.

Results / Accomplishments

Participants are given information that empowers them to use and share their new knowledge, increasing their levels of self-esteem and making them more marketable to prospective employers.
In addition, several AmeriCorps members have successfully applied the skills they learned as facilitators in post-service jobs in related fields.

About this Promising Practice

AmeriCorps Appalachian Self-Sufficiency Program
Primary Contact
No current contact information available
Economy / Poverty
Community / Civic Engagement
AmeriCorps Appalachian Self-Sufficiency Program
Corporation for National & Community Service
Date of publication