Play Across Boston

A Good Idea


Funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Play Across Boston (PAB) assesses physical activity programs and facilities available for Boston youth and how these resources affect physical activity levels. The assessments conducted by PAB are disseminated to community stakeholders to support data-driven development of recreational facilities and parks.

Goal / Mission

Play Across Boston strives to address disparities in access to physical activity facilities and programs for inner-city youths of Boston.

Results / Accomplishments

Play Across Boston found that low-income neighborhoods tended to have fewer physical activity programs and facilities in proportion to youth population. In addition, low-income neighborhoods possessed recreational facilities that were lower in quality compared to high-income neighborhoods (p<.001). The needs assessment was used to form data-driven action for reducing disparities in access to such programs and facilities. Renovations were documented and findings showed improvements in playground quality in a sub sample of parks assessed (p<.001).

About this Promising Practice

Harvard Prevention Research Center, Northeastern University's Center for the Study of Sport in Society
Primary Contact
Art & Recreation / Sports Recreation & Parks
Health / Physical Activity
Health / Children's Health
Harvard Prevention Research Center, Northeastern University's Center for the Study of Sport in Society
CDC Prevention Research Center
Date of publication
Jul 2006
Date of implementation
For more details
Target Audience
Additional Audience